Top 10 SEO Experts to Follow in 2024 for Proven Online Income Strategies

Are you looking to learn how to make money online in 2024? Following the right SEO experts can be a game-changer. These professionals offer valuable insights that can help you drive traffic, improve your rankings, and ultimately boost your online income. Here, we present the top 10 SEO experts you should follow to stay ahead in the digital marketing game.

Top 10 SEO Experts to Follow in 2024 for Proven Online Income Strategies

1. Brian Dean


Brian Dean is the founder of Backlinko, a renowned SEO training and link-building blog. He is famous for creating the Skyscraper Technique, a strategy to improve content and gain backlinks. His blog and YouTube channel are go-to resources for comprehensive SEO tutorials.


Skyscraper Technique: This strategy involves finding high-performing content in your niche, creating something even better, and then reaching out to those who linked to the original piece to share your superior content.

Method to Follow

  • Blog: Follow Backlinko for detailed guides and insights.
  • Email List: Subscribe to his email list for regular updates and exclusive tips.
  • YouTube Channel: Watch his videos for visual and practical SEO tutorials.

2. Neil Patel


Neil Patel is the co-founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar, and KISSmetrics. He has been recognized as a top influencer on the web by The Wall Street Journal and a top ten marketer by Forbes. Neil’s blog and podcast provide a wealth of information on SEO, content marketing, and growth hacking.


Growth Hacking: This involves rapidly experimenting across marketing channels and product development to identify the most effective and efficient ways to grow a business.

Method to Follow

  • Blog: Visit Neil Patel's blog for in-depth articles and case studies on SEO and digital marketing.
  • SEO Tool: Use Ubersuggest to analyze your website and identify growth opportunities.
  • Podcast: Follow his podcast for regular tips and success stories.

3. Rand Fishkin


Rand Fishkin is the co-founder of Moz, one of the most popular SEO tools, and SparkToro, an audience intelligence platform. He is known for his Whiteboard Friday series on Moz, where he breaks down complex SEO topics in an easy-to-understand manner.


Audience Intelligence: Understanding and leveraging audience insights to improve marketing strategies and outcomes.

Method to Follow

  • Social Media: Follow Rand Fishkin on Twitter and LinkedIn for regular insights.
  • Whiteboard Friday: Watch his videos on Moz for the latest SEO trends and strategies.
  • SparkToro: Explore SparkToro to better understand and target your audience.

4. Ann Smarty


Ann Smarty is the founder of MyBlogU and ViralContentBee, platforms that help content creators promote their work. She is a prolific writer and SEO expert, contributing to several top-tier marketing blogs.


Content Collaboration: Using platforms like MyBlogU to collaborate with other content creators, which can help generate unique ideas and boost content reach.

Method to Follow

  • Blogs: Read her contributions on major marketing blogs like Search Engine Journal and Moz.
  • Platforms: Use MyBlogU and ViralContentBee to collaborate and promote content.

5. Barry Schwartz


Barry Schwartz is the founder of Search Engine Roundtable and news editor at Search Engine Land. He is known for his comprehensive coverage of search engine updates and algorithm changes.


Real-Time SEO News: Providing up-to-date news on SEO developments, algorithm changes, and industry trends to help marketers stay informed.

Method to Follow

  • Social Media: Follow Barry Schwartz on Twitter for real-time updates.
  • News Websites: Read Search Engine Roundtable and Search Engine Land for the latest SEO news.

6. Aleyda Solis


Aleyda Solis is an international SEO consultant and founder of Orainti, a boutique SEO consultancy. She is an expert in technical SEO and has been recognized by Forbes as one of the top 10 digital marketing specialists to follow.


Technical SEO: Focusing on the technical aspects of a website, such as site speed, mobile optimization, and structured data, to improve search engine rankings.

Method to Follow

  • Blog: Read Aleyda Solis's blog for tips on technical and international SEO.
  • Social Media: Follow her on social media for regular updates.
  • Webinars: Watch her webinars for in-depth technical SEO insights.

7. Cyrus Shepard


Cyrus Shepard is the founder of Zyppy, a platform that helps websites improve their SEO. He is a former Head of SEO at Moz and is well-known for his expertise in on-page SEO and user experience.


On-Page SEO and User Experience: Optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines, while also improving the overall user experience.

Method to Follow

  • Blog: Subscribe to Cyrus Shepard's blog on Zyppy for practical advice on on-page SEO and user experience.
  • Social Media: Follow him on Twitter for quick tips and insights.

8. Lily Ray


Lily Ray is the SEO Director at Path Interactive and a specialist in E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness). She has spoken at numerous conferences and is known for her deep understanding of Google’s algorithm updates.


E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness): Ensuring that your content demonstrates expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness to align with Google’s quality guidelines.

Method to Follow

  • Social Media: Follow Lily Ray on Twitter.
  • Articles: Read her articles on Path Interactive’s blog.
  • Conferences: Attend her conference sessions or webinars for deeper insights.

9. Marie Haynes


Marie Haynes is the founder of Marie Haynes Consulting and specializes in Google algorithm updates and penalty recovery. She is a sought-after speaker and consultant in the SEO community.


Penalty Recovery: Helping websites recover from Google penalties and regain their rankings through thorough audits and adherence to best practices.

Method to Follow

  • Blog: Read Marie Haynes's blog for detailed analyses of Google updates and penalty recovery strategies.
  • Newsletter: Subscribe to her newsletter for timely advice.
  • Social Media: Follow her on Twitter for updates.

10. Matthew Woodward


Matthew Woodward is an award-winning SEO blogger who provides in-depth tutorials and case studies. His blog is a valuable resource for learning SEO and affiliate marketing strategies.


Affiliate Marketing: Using SEO to boost affiliate marketing efforts, thus increasing online revenue through commissions from promoting other companies’ products.

Method to Follow

  • Blog: Follow Matthew Woodward’s blog for step-by-step guides and case studies on SEO and affiliate marketing.
  • Newsletter: Subscribe to his newsletter for regular updates and exclusive tips.

Why Follow These SEO Experts?

By following these SEO experts, you can:

  • Stay Updated: Keep up with the latest trends and algorithm changes.
  • Learn Proven Strategies: Implement tried-and-tested SEO tactics.
  • Boost Traffic: Increase your website's visibility and attract more visitors.
  • Improve Rankings: Achieve higher rankings in search engine results.
  • Increase Revenue: Turn traffic into income through effective monetization strategies.

Bonus Tips


Learning from the best in the SEO industry can significantly impact your online success. Follow these top SEO experts in 2024 to enhance your skills, stay informed, and discover proven strategies to make money online.

By optimizing your content and staying informed with the insights from these industry leaders, you'll be well on your way to increasing your online earnings in 2024.

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Top 10 SEO Experts to Follow in 2024 for Proven Online Income Strategies

Are you looking to learn how to make money online in 2024? Following the right SEO experts can be a game-changer. These professionals offer ...